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Chalice Springs Hypnotherapy Welcomes You
A Step in the Right Direction
Chalice Springs offers accredited Hypnotherapy sessions designed to enable you to shine. By removing blocks such as anxiety, addictions, phobias and physical/emotional pain - and with the option of working with particular gods and goddesses - we clear the way for you to thrive in every aspect of your life!
We are based in Glastonbury, Somerset, and offer initial consultations by phone or Skype/Zoom. Please email kate.lewis.hypnotherapist@gmail.com to arrange.

'The entire Universe is a leela, a dance of energy, a play staged by the Absolute. The most blessed of the actors know that we are free to change our script at any time, and to flow anew with the musics of our choosing...”
Kala Trobe, Invoke the Goddess, Invoke the Gods

More About Chalice Springs Hypnotherapy
At Chalice Springs Hypnotherapy we offer a wide range of experiences especially tailored to your unique needs and preferences. These range from ‘conventional’ hypnotherapies, with no specific spiritual content...to working with particular deities in the context of hypnotic guided encounters designed to attain a specific goal. We help you to work meaningfully with your own favoured divinities, or in any other manner you may prefer. Please contact us for further details.
The Way Forward

Stop Smoking, and/or other Addictions
Access Your Inner Powers for Success and Happiness
Combat Anxiety, Phobias, and Improve Self Esteem
You Have the Power
Be freed from PTSD, Childhood and Adult Trauma, and Discover your Inner Priest/Priestess
Go With the Flow - The Universe is Your Friend!